Sunday, July 22, 2007

Wet, Wild & Ku-ku!

So my photobucket account finally stopped acting up so you guys can go there to see pictures of the trip and also the few from 8tv's Wet & Wild Party.
Speaking of, it was yesterday and it was so fun! Now before some of you start boo-ing me, yes I have to admit the event itself wasn't all that but like I said it's the company you keep that makes the day fun. YoursTruly, Honey-Chan, Aadzim & Hairi met there at 9 in the morning cause we thought we could go whack the dry park but that stupid 50% off was only valid at 12 onwards. I think there was a convention of some sort cause since it was so early there weren't many of usual faces there but then sunway was packed with Indians who look like they just came here from well, India la. All dressed in sari's. They all shared 1 thing in common. As soon as they saw YoursTruly in wonderfully funky surf shorts, they would stare at me then at bare legs. When the aunty's did it I felt like I was being judged. when the guys did it I couldn't help but to think 'eww..' Hairi had this ridiculous bag with wheel so he really looked like a tourist. And it was the biggest joke cause we were both wearing surf shorts so we looked like tourist. Aadzim, Hairi and Nick did their own video to the sounds of good Charlotte and that their gonna show it on music unlimited! And Aadzim and Nick audition for 1 in a million! I finally got to meet JeffTersayang's girlfriend face to face. So sweet I tell you! Then at night there was the concert but the gang was tired out and don't care too much for malaysian bands so I rocked out with Darren while the gang sat at a safe distance. Oh, the guys from what woman want was there..and Sham's smokes la! such a turn off! Halfway through the concert I get a call from the infamous(yes, i really mean infamous) Aiden. "you look bloody hot when your hair wet huh?" I turned around so fast I sure got snap something one.. eh bum! your suppose to be in Penang! Apa ni! But then he passed the phone to someone. Ryan..Another bum! apa ni! You pulak suppose to be in Malaka! Anywho, we decided to leave after watching Estranged perform and as we were going up da maze of escalators, this group behind us goes(to Darren)

"Scuse me, but my friend here thinks your cute"

I could have gotten a stitch from all that laughing.. We ended up having a fun conversation with them which was cool..then went makan. Suppose to watch movie but then we were to exhausted so we all balik rumah masing-masing. The End.

Michelle R, I wished you were there.
Aiden, go back to Penang la! Gf marah kang!
Ryan, wish we could have actually met up again but we both know why we couldn't.[and thanks for saying what you did. Made my day.=)]
Honey-Chan, hope your feet feel better and thanks for waiting for me.
Aadzim! You playful bugger! Thanks for being playful! and don't be so ham sap la!
The gang, especially Sook Chin, sorry I couldn't hang with you guys.
Nick & Jeff, thanks for tagging along!(and those darn flowers! LOL)
Tammy & Michelle, sorry couldn't hang with you guys that much too. Hope you had fun though.

PrincessLSM & YoursTruly

Zimz & YoursTruly

DarrenAshley & YoursTruly


This emo look was of mine was purely accidental. But cool nonetheless no?


Andrew C. said...

Wow.. nice pics. you two are forever close friends. cheers~ :)

Anonymous said...

hehe..1 of the coolest play time..thankz 2 pauline,sher-maine,and all the ppl tht had brighten my life...hehehe..hope u guys stik 4eva...peace
