Thursday, July 26, 2007

"ish! Coyotito betul la kau ni!!" PrincessLSM. Don't worry, I dont get it either. LOL.

Hihihihihihihihi! I'm hyped up on ku-kuness so don't mind me.

You know, I look at all the drama that the juniors make for themselves and I wonder: were we ever like that? Now, of course the 1st thought is HELL NO! we were NEVER EVER that childish! But deep down you know that's not true. But I guess our drama was a little more legitimate la.. In the sense we had issues that kids our age shouldn't even know about. We've been through a whole bunch of crap but that that doesn't kill us makes us stronger correct no? Juniors having fights over someone not saying hi to someone else...=___=''

I finally got pictures of my dad's cooking!! Wanna see? Viewers discretion advised. I have know idea what it is either.

After a whole lot of weird noises and scents: The finished products. A mixture of vegetables.

Close up. Still wanna ask me why we eat separately?

And here is what you put overly hyper idiots together with one shy little(ok,not so little la) boy.

Introducing: Honey-Chan, the oh-so-cute WeiLeong, and YoursTruly!

The loving couple.
he looks..flatter.

The famous shoe!

Husband & Wife. Did I just call the juniors childish?*sheepish grin*

Thanks for indulging us! aiya! so cute ah!!
Today we had one of those conversations where it gets deep, not so deep, then deep again. Best part was that it was with Nasa. I know our class isn't the best of the best but I love it cause you make real great friends with people who you never thought you'd have ANYTHING in common with. And being here proves that people are a little deeper, a little different from the way people perceived them as. Who knew Nasa was such a Casanova? Who knew we would end up talking to him, of all people, about the perception of people on Malay's, sex, the difference between daring and just losing your maruah, and coupling and love, keeping your virginity and how not everything is how it is. But we did it. We did, and that's what I love about this class. Having those kinds of conversations and discovering something new every time.
A few random thoughts if you please.
1) Superheroes like power rangers take some time to transform cause they need to call on their power. So if the bad guy tries to shoot them with their powers WHILE they transforming how ah?
2) I miss skittles.
*those with the answer to random thought number 1 please tell me! Before the curiosity kills this cat! or at least puts it into a coma. We don't want that now do we?*

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