Saturday, November 24, 2007

An Insult To My Intelligence.

Hello. SPM is going good. And although I didn't want to blemish my precious blog with details on it, I would like to make one teeny tiny statement. SPM Moral Is A Load Of Crap.

Why? Well, for one thing, we have to memorise 36 different values and their 'key words'. You write your imbuhan wrong and your whole beautiful essay can masuk jamban. But that I can live with. What I CAN'T live with is this: You(and yes, I mean you dear) ask us to cram our head with useless kata kunci's which we do without complaint(well, not much at least) and you go ask us pre-school like questions such as...

Nyatakan 3 cara anda menjaga buku text pinjaman.
State 3 ways you would use to take care of a text books on loan.


3 cara peniaga menipu para pengguna.
3 ways businessmen

These questions I can still answer without making some dignity-challenging remark. But what made me go 'HUH??' out loud in the middle of a pin drop silence hall was the most oxymoron(ah..I love this word. Suits the occasion) question I've ever encountered:

Nyatakan 3 sebab keganasan patut diperangi.
Give 3 reasons for war against violence.

Your kidding right? You want me to give you 3 reasons WHY WAR IS GOOD? It's not enough you insult my intelligence with idiotic question that a 5 year old will gleefully give you the answer to but to ask me something like?! Anyway I sliced it, I couldn't see what the advantages were. Any war, no matter what the cause will endanger the people of that country. Innocent lives will be lost and that is non-excusable. So, what did I do? I wrote(in my fantastic Malay of course) that I don't think war is the answer to anything(even violence) and whoever thinks otherwise can take his macho ego pride and shove it. Call me a hippie if you wish but I rather be a hippie than a moron who can't even think of questions for moral. 3 marks I rather not get anyway cause last time I checked, lying wasn't very morale-like.

Phew. Now with that out of the way, I would like talk about the webs we build sometimes. For instance, I met Joelle in LIFE Youth. We became fast friends and I find out her mum is an awesome singer. One day I was watching some show in my aunt's house and her mum was performing. So me, being all bangga for my friend goes and tells my aunt this. My aunt give me a dumbfounded look and say "girl, I know aunty Junjie. YOU know aunty Junjie. They lived behind us!" She then continues to explain how they used to stay behind my aunt's house and I would play with their daughter(who turned out to be Joelle) It seems that we were really close until she moved out. And now I'm friends with my long lost playmate!

And then there's Nicole who added me on friendster cause I was a hopelessly hopeless romantic. Turns out, we both went to Saint Francis when I was in Sabah during standard 1. We were even in the same class. She even remembers that whole OrangGilaOnTheCliffIsGonnaMurderUsAll event which sent the entire school into a panic. Story is, you could see the distant shadow of this guy at the edge of this cliff who was waving around what they think was a parang and doing some funky foot work(looked like he kena rasuk basicly) and was going to come down and murder us all.=__= But this seriously happened! I'm not making this up! everyone was so scared that no one left the canteen. Alot of people fainted, even teachers. I think police and ambulance also came. I remember laughing.

And of course, let's not forget my very own HamSapOldMan. I met him..randomly. I don't really remember how I got to know him except that it was somehow through my cousin. Started talking and found out that he was really close to a girl who is also close to my cousin and he knows my cousin also through my cousin's father. My cousin's really good friend is his er..least like-able person who happens to be now dating his ex. And his ex is also good friends with my cousin. Oh, and to add another pawn in this elaborate chess set.. Lydia who is my friend has added him on Facebook and is now really good friends with mr.Kishor. And she didn't even know I knew him until a few days ago. Funny how life works huh?

Barry-kins! Told you got junior like you before. Tak mau percaya.. Why must you question my intelligence? Haha..Don't forget our deal dude!

Kish, I think I've lost my sarcasm. I miss it soo.*whimpers*

Oh, by the way they actually state as one of the rules in the moral paper that we're not suppose to copy or reveal the questions inside so if I become an inmate of our friendly jail I expect LOTS of visits and goodies from you lot! But then again, orange was never really my

Pauline the rebel. Nice ring to it don't you think?

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Summer Love Prom Night.

YAY!! Posters are finally here!(Go here for a larger, more CLEARER view) Those of all ages, youngsters all the way to senior citizens are invited! Non USJ 8 folks and martians are also more than welcome! Tickets are RM95 but if you want to buy your tickets at the event then it will cost you rm105. Attire is semi-formal but that does not mean you get to come in slippers, shorts, mini skirts or t-shirt. Smart Casual please! We're all smart people here. Enjoy the vocal stylings of Hujan, MeetUncleHussein, DeadEyesGlow, RupturedArteries and our very own BrokenShards. Also, get up close and personal with DJ FUzz from There will also be a fashion show, shuffle competition, lucky draws and tons of booth so bring extra money! For further info you can leave me a message on in my cbox or go straight to the source! Adzley: 017-2302934 or Katriyana: 0172243743.

*And yes, what it says on the bottom is for real. NO DRUGS, ALCOHOL or SEX ALLOWED during this event. And I'm just donating some space on my blog to advertise. The real credit goes to those crazy kids.*

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Hey hey! My previous post was not all me as you know. Max was fooling around and I just decided to let him.

Michelle! I FOUND IT!(and for those of you wondering what I found..I lost something very valuable to me recently..The maid mis-placed it.) The lady went and chucked it at some God forsaken place which I just happen to be digging through cause I was looking for something else she mis-placed. =__= Yay!(Still didn't find the original item I was looking for though.)

What happen to just staying friends? Your not making this any easier you know. I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing. And yes, you are my Edward. Let's just hope I don't fall apart the way Bella does when the time comes. Time isn't on our side.


I Adore You Too.
(And thank you for knowing better than to say the 'other thing'.)

Friday, November 2, 2007

Random Post feat. Max.

WHAT??!! You mean men nowadays don't usually get circumcised?? woe is me. Max, you couldn't have told me this sooner? If that's true, then I'm a goner. Better learn how to get over it.

Max: Muahahaha! Pauline is never gonna have sex! EVER!(you readers wanna know why don you? hint: it has something to do wit the above statement! ask me ask me!)

Pauline:*Fumes in silence.*

YoursTruly when she's pissed at Max: Screw you Max.
Max: Someone already has. *big grin*

Max to HippieAccountant when he sleeps over: Don't worry uncle! We'll play safe!
HippieAccauntant: lol.
YoursTruly: =______='' Screw you Max.

Only us humans can take something as random as teabags and make it horny.
My favourite junior is actually...deeper than he seems. Thank God for that. There's going to be alot more drama after this Barry. Especially next year. Please be ready for it. *Hugsandkisses*

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