Saturday, July 28, 2007

36 With 36 Cats..

I'm officially broke for August. And August hasn't even started yet!
Today went out with Michelle R which was just awesome. The girl hasn't been to sunway in ages on end. So yeah, we decided to do a movie marathon-ish thing so we booked one movie at 12.20 and another at 3.10. What movie did we watch you ask? jeng jeng jeng!

first was..

and second was..

YAY! Finally watched Transformer. Seriously, for a dude who didn't want to do this movie originally cause he thought it was a stupid toy movie, he definitely prove a lot of people out there(and probably himself) wrong. I teared up during this scene where those sector 7 jocks captured BumbleBee and..Wait! don't want to destroy this for those who haven't watched it yet. Hate it when people do that. Awesome movie la that 1. After that we went shopping at F.O.S and killed time then soon enough it was time for The Invisible. It's a really good movie la. It's kind Lakehouse so I really loved it la. Michelle Cheong, Tammy, maybe you guys might dig it too.

Justin Chatwin's character Nick was superb I say. It's actually the kind of guy I would love to date. Nick reflected me a lot. He was also very emo/smart. He didn't have the emo look but he was in fact emo. Deeper than people give him credit for sort of way.*swoon* But to find someone like that here would be as easy as finding a pig buying fish in the market. Salah ke nak cari lelaki yang ada substance? Just want someone who can make me laugh, be open with, and on the same wave length as me. Oh and taller than me please. Sometimes I wonder if I'm being too picky but I know I'm not. Besides, even if I was, don't I have the right to be? So yeah, I always joke with a few of you that I'm gonna end up a 36 year old virgin with 36 cats.(hey, I need the company!) But yeah, I'm still going to hold to what I promised, which is to wait until something with potential substance comes along. No more George's for me thankyouverymuch. I joke about it constantly and sometimes it gets bothersome to be the odd-er most of the time(the one single idiot that tags along with a group of couples so it odd-ens out the number so it won't like a double/triple/quadruple/donno-what-druple punya date)
While waiting for my ever-so-not-punctual father dear, something happens. *another jeng jeg jeng! moment* Michelle says she's feeling woozy so we sit somewhere where I continue yapping about some crap that I can't remember while looking at this 1 mat salleh leng chai, trying to place his accent. Then she puts her head in her hands and I realise something is so wrong. I ask her to go back, eat something or drink MILO at the very least but she didn't seem to be receiving this. Asked her if she could hear me and she said barely. Oh deary deary me. I started picit-ing her, making sure she stays awake. I didn't want her to pass out. Then she says she needs to eat something. I sprint into sunway and just as I was reaching the stairs I curse myself. Stupid woman! you going so far for what! She needs you near by! so I sprint back to the entrance and run to CofeeBean and get her something to eat(wearing skirt FYI) I run back her and basically panic cause now she was sitting on the floor with her face in her hands. I gave her the food and she starts nibbling. She looked pale and had tears. But after while it was all good. She was alright! Thank God! I wanted to take her to the doctor but she insisted against it so I sent her home and hopefully she took my advise and drank some MILO. Feel better ya babe?(oh, and this is the story Kish. Curiosity satisfied? And notice the change in nick HamSapOldMan? LOL.)
I'm gonna watch The Simpsons tomorrow! Yay!

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