Thursday, June 14, 2007

My Name On Purple.

"Stop swimming around in your own mind. That is a dangerous neighborhood that you should not go into alone." Jake from Just Like Heaven.

This week nothing much happened. Except a few events that just makes you think 'why the hell do you even bother?' Starting to get bloody tired about the whole darn thing. I mean, it's just like a circle that's never stops bloody hell turning. On the brighter side, some of the funny events of SMK USJ 8 are as followed: Yesterday during my arts exam, where I drew a tadika version of toys, Wei Leong started asking around for a marker. Your wondering why? well,that's simple, he wrote his WIFE'S name(that's me FYI) on his shoe! He spelt it wrong so he wrote it again on his other shoe and covered up the mis-spelled one with bright purple paint. Yea, that won't attract ANY attention. So now one shoe has a splosh of purple while the other one proudly reads: Pauline & Lee Sher-maine. And I think he's planning to re-write my name on the purple. Talk about custom made wei! And I notice he tends to get tummy aches during the 1st few days of exams.hmm.. makes you wonder... PrincessLSM & YoursTruly had one of those conversations where we talk about deep stuff one second, then proceed to nonsence, then to serious-ness again then end the whole thing with a good chuckle. And today, we got served by Pn. Vasantha! haha! it was so funny cause our Mak Cik canteen went to do donno what then teacher was standing there waiting for change I think..
Pn.Vasantha: What you want girls?*looks at the food*
Us: Keropok Lekor...2 packets please.
Pn. Vasantha: Nah*takes money*

Weird... But other than that pretty normal. But I think that's what wrong. everything the same.No change. I need things to be different. For something to happen. Meet new people. Do something new.. I just need SOMETHING to happen. I'll go crazy if just stays in this weird pace.

Something has to happen. Something has to change.I'm swimming in a dead lake. No waves, No currents, not even a ripple. I splash around, trying to cause some sort of ripple effect, hoping it would bring some sort of clarity to my thoughts. But they just die away like ripples so often do. I need something, anything to happen. I hate sitting in still water. What happened to all the waves, currents, and splashes in my life? Where have they gone? I miss them so...

I'm sitting in stagnant waters. Someone please join me. Let's make a splash.

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