Aloha! So yesterday we had a surprise Birthday lunch for our one and only Barry! Actually the whole event was really in-promtu. On Thursday K.C and I were talking and we were both basicly bored out of our minds! honestly, even counting the hairs on our head would have been a step up from whatever it is we were doing at home. So we talked about going out yam cha and from there operation 'Barry's surprise' was born. Made plans, calls, and once everyone was on board we put this plan in motion. Next day,went to Taipan, and waited for the rest. Barry thought he was going for a CF meeting with Grace, K.C and himself. We changed the venue from My Kopitiam to Strawberry Fields cause there had more seats(3 guesses why..) We also found out Barry ate already...wth.. don't care la. Waited for the rest of the gang and we hid behind the restaurant and we ambushed him. I boo-ed him 1st. He just looked at me with a 'who the heck is this woman' look. The rest came but even then he was just plain stunned. It took him 15 minutes to figure out what was going on! even then he was still in a daze..poor dude. We all ate and lepak-ed and Jeremy & I snuck off to buy a cake. We couldn't figure out what message to write on it but in the end we settled with 'Happy 'Late' Birthday Michelle!'(Michelle is what Uncle Kevin calls him. If you know Uncle Kevin, then you'll know why he does that*cheeky grin*) So after some really good cake we all moved our party to McD's. K.C, Barry and I made a pit stop at Glad Sounds 1st. It was like attack of the lunatics upstairs. All acting like 4 year olds high on sugar. After awhile it got REALLY rowdy and I kinda started getting a little worried. Barry went home and I was kinda bummed cause it kinda seemed like no one noticed except K.C, myself and maybe Jeremy. His the birthday boy guys..We're here for him. Anywho, it got crazy to the point management came and told them(in this order):
1) You have to take of your shoes before you get on the playground thingy.
2)12 years old and below only allowed on the playground thingy(she couldn't mention THAT 1st??)
3) Can hear you crazy young 'uns from downstairs(she didn't actually call us crazy young 'uns now!)
K.C and I were in the clear cause we were just sitting there with innocent faces(well, we weren't doing anything in the 1st place so our Innocent faces were completely justified!) Jeremy hid behind the tembok..=_=
Thank you K.C for walking me to tuition, talking to me about doing what you want to, and keeping me company. And thank you for giving me the full credit in planning this event but this was a collaborative effort between the two of us. *smile*
Here are the video's of Barry, Jeremy and Jason getting bashed. And a few pics too. Got more pics la, but lazy to upload.
why u all go bash 'Michelle
Jason's tersesat bash.
The Cake & Barry a.k.a Michelle.
These images are highly
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BaRRY! May God Bless You Always.
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