Thursday, May 17, 2007

Under Re-Construction: My Heart.

My heart was whole. The most precious thing I could ever own. But extreamly fragile..So I've been told. I never truly understood how fragile, not until I gave it to someone else and saw it for myself.

'I just don't love you anymore. Please forgive me.'

With just 1 sentence, my heart began to shatter. Starting from the very top, like tiny pieces of shattered glass. Some pieces were so tiny that I couldn't see them, just like dust. I swear, some of them could fit through an eye of a needle. I sat staring at the pieces for what seemed like an eternity, tears in my eyes. Finally I decide that it was time. Time to re-build. It took awhile but I've finally collected all the pieces. Now here I am, ready to reconstruct this heart of mine. I don't care if people call me a fool. I don't care how long it takes. I'll bring it to it's former beauty once again. I'll mend it & build it anew. Stronger, better, and even more enchanting than before.

I don't blame you anymore for breaking it. I thank you for helping make it stronger.

slowly, surely..


~michelle~ said...

hmmm...suprisingly matter-of-fact for smth written bout a broken heart. hehe..i like. its diff!! =)

Michelle said...
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Michelle said...

I like this just shows tat we have a sob and feel down with all the hurt..or..get stronger and learn from it..I love it..its definitely something diff..=)

Anonymous said...

hey..i feel..umm..distant. we hvnt talked in so long..n suddenly im watchin u bare ur's a strange that i know shldnt be here in the first place. im sorry we hvnt been around each other. But just so u know, im still here, aite? jz holla anytime u need a anything. u know, my huggability rates have been going down. care to volunteer?

Jinx said...

hey hey hey..u beating urself up kenapa? it a two way street my dear. I know ive been a little absent myself but give me time to get back in the groove of things. Ive always known u were here for me. And as for ur huggability rates..ill be more than happy to volunteer!