Monday, June 22, 2009

The Ku-ku Case Dictionary(translations provided)

  • What Ku-ku?! = What nonsense you talking about?
  • Mampus aku. = I'm a dead duck.
  • kau giler ke?! = are you mentally disturbed?
  • Siou kah??!! = Are you mentally disturbed chinese version
  • Whack you upside down! = I shall turn you on your head and administer a beating.
  • yao mou gao cuo ah = dude, you serious??
  • Oh mak kau babi hutan pukimak sial = Comes out when ku-ku case melatar's.
  • Babi hutan = You is a wild boar.
  • Dude = Dude.
  • Alrighty! = Yes, ok.
  • Awesome Possum! = that possum is so awesome.
  • Betui? = Betul kan?
  • If you say so. = Only said if Ku-ku casee is pissed off/merajuking/ whatever dude.
Thank you for spending time reading this brief but insightful.. whatever this is. Kaythanksyoubyemuax.

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