Saturday, April 19, 2008


*48 more days till Honey-chan comes home.*

He sat there in the cafe, watching all his friends chat and laugh. He felt so detached. Like he was watching from somewhere else, through someone else's eyes. Not his own.

In that moment, he realised something he should have a long time ago. Just like how everyone is a liar, everyone is a hypocrite. Everyone. Though there was no escaping it was there? And even though he hated to admit is, he was one too. Here he was hating, judging, those who were hypocrites to others but he was worse. He was a hypocrite to himself. He was a faker. He was lying to himself, lying to those around him. He had molded himself and managed to become this awesome actor on this stage, that he not only fooled the people around him, but himself as well. How did that happen? When did this happen? He had become something he despised. Talk about cruel irony.

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