Friday, April 25, 2008

"why should we pay for music?" Incubus. The best freaking question ever asked in my opinion.

I've noticed something recently, and because of this observation I've come up with somewhat of a conclusion. I think straight couples need to learn a thing or two from gay couples.

Cause right, gay/lesbian couples have to go through A WHOLE load of shit. And yet, their still so lively, so cheerful, so thankful, so GRATEFUL. Which is more than I can say for straight couples. I mean, I know that even straight relationships have their problems. But gay couples have to through so much and yet they still have a smile on their faces. Straight couples on the other hand look like their carrying the freaking world on their shoulders. What gives?

Now, I'm not saying that ALL straight couples are like that. But most are. There are those who bitch and moan about his/her bf/gf coming late(pun 100% intended wtf lol) and then there are those who live in this bubble of happiness. Sad thing is that this bubble only covers them so everyone else doesn't read on their radar and their happiness doesn't get passed on to us common folk. Whatever happened to sharing is caring?

Homophobes or not, one thing you have to admire about gays/lesbians is their bravery. They risk EVERYTHING(as do some straight couples) and yet they do it. Because they want to be true to themselves and the others around them. Because they want to be with who they love. Even if it's someone of the same sex. They can't hold hands cause it's deemed 'perbuatan tidak senonoh.' But they work around this little glitch and are as happy as lovesick puppies. If the government said WE couldn't hold hand I'm sure there would be people going and having protest la, migrating la, slamming the government on blogs la... We don't work around it. Because according to us, it's our God given right. But correct me if I'm wrong but didn't God give this rights to HUMANS? So may I ask what are gays and lesbians? Sheep??

Even till now, lesbians, gays and trans are my favourite type of customers to layan cause apart from the few bad apples, most of them are just so gracious which is SO much more than I can say for some inconsiderate straight couples. Those homophobic fanatic Christian's really tick me off in this aspect because NO ONE should use the name of God to justify hurting, and condemning others. Just cause YOU don't agree with their way of life. You want to SAVE them konon.. Save them my perfectly pedicured foot lar. Answer me this, who's gonna save you then? If we want to be saved then we have to be ready for it. We have to open out hearts to it and to Him. No one should have to force you into it. That's not what Christianity is about. Guess some of you didn't get the memo.

I go with the "hate the sin not the sinner" policy and frankly I have no problem with those kinds of relationships because at the end of the day, it's their choice and only God can judge them. So why play God?

Saturday, April 19, 2008


*48 more days till Honey-chan comes home.*

He sat there in the cafe, watching all his friends chat and laugh. He felt so detached. Like he was watching from somewhere else, through someone else's eyes. Not his own.

In that moment, he realised something he should have a long time ago. Just like how everyone is a liar, everyone is a hypocrite. Everyone. Though there was no escaping it was there? And even though he hated to admit is, he was one too. Here he was hating, judging, those who were hypocrites to others but he was worse. He was a hypocrite to himself. He was a faker. He was lying to himself, lying to those around him. He had molded himself and managed to become this awesome actor on this stage, that he not only fooled the people around him, but himself as well. How did that happen? When did this happen? He had become something he despised. Talk about cruel irony.